29% Off

Nuby UV Soother Pod

Dhs. 177.00Dhs. 126.00

You Save: Dhs. 51.00 (29%)

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Meet our mini portable UV steriliser which has won an award for innovation of the year! It zaps bacteria away without water, microwaves or chemicals, sterilising your dummies in only 1 minute! A game changing must-have solution you can pop in your bag or fasten to your pushchair. Imagine being able to sterilise dummies when you're out and about…without water…? Well with this mini, award-winning portable UV steriliser, you can! It's so handy to use on the go and there's no water or microwave needed (hooray!!). It's so awesome, it even won a Made For Mums award for innovation of the year! UV sterilisation is really easy to understand too. Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation that kills microorganisms (the medical industry uses ultraviolet light to sterilise rooms, equipment and medical instruments). With this little device, you can zap and kill 99.9% of bacteria FAST. Neat or what? So no water, no microwave, no chemicals, no cooling time, no drying just 1 minute FLAT and you're ready to go. Road-tested, pavement tested and sticky toddler group tested. You can use any dummy in this game changing, on-the-go sterilising solution and there's even a handy strap for easily attaching to a buggy or bag. If you're anything like us and go through many dummies, once you've got a sterilised one, you can pop in another so that's ready for when you need it next too.
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